Dr. Ella F. Washington

You Deserve More from Your Career

I can help you get it.

Companies Dr. Ella Has Worked With


A Guide to Cracking the Hidden Corporate Code

Dr. Ella F. Washington, organizational psychologist and CEO of Ellavate Solutions, addresses workplace challenges in “Unspoken: A Guide to Cracking the Hidden Corporate Code.” Offering practical advice and real-life stories, the book equips professionals with strategies to navigate corporate settings authentically, empowering them to succeed while staying true to themselves.


What about me?

With a new book in-hand, Dr. Ella expands her audience, adding established professionals within corporate bureaucracy who are seeking purpose and belonging.

Dr. Ella’s last work, The Necessary Journey: Making Real Progress on Equity and Inclusion challenged C-Suite leaders to create inclusive environments that allow all employees to thrive.

With Unspoken informing her newest speaking engagements, Dr. Ella invites early- and mid-career professionals navigating these sometimes-unwelcoming spaces to learn a new way through the corporate maze.

Dr. Ella F. Washington

Author | DEI Expert | Professor

Dr. Ella F. Washington is the CEO of Ellavate Solutions, the author of multiple books, and a sought-after speaker. Her work in workplace cultures, with an expert lens on DEI, has led companies to new heights, and she is just getting started.